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9-17-24 Corn, Soybeans, Canadian, Bonds, Cattle, Gold

9-7-24 Short Cattle, Short Gold

9-5-24 Short Cattle

8-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans

8-23-24 Corn, Cattle, Canadian Dollar

8-22-24 Long Canadian Dollar

8-20-24 Cattle Crashing

8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans

8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle

8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans

8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans

8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans

8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks

8-4-24 Short Cattle

8-1-24 Short Cattle

7-31-24 Short Corn

7-30-24 Short Cattle

7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn

7-17-24 Short Cattle

7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans

7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn

7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle

7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle

7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans

7-3-24 Short Cattle

6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans

6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans

6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans

6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds

6-11-24 Short Soybeans

6-5-24 Major Cattle Top

5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans

5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn


5-17-24 SHORT CORN

5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle

4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa

4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn

4-9-24 Short Bitcoin

4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle

4-2-24 Short Corn

4-1-24 Short Cattle

3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans

3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle

3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle

3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton

3-11-24 Short Cattle

3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market

3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn

3-1-24 Long Cotton Again

2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle

2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn

2-20-24 Treasury Bonds

2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton

2-5-24 Live Cattle

2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans

2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans

1-27-24 Soybeans

1-25-24 Soybeans

1-24-24 Cotton

1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa

1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat

1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans

12-29-23 Soybeans

12-27-23 Two Year Notes

12-21-23 Soybeans

12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle

12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans

11-28-23 Buy Wheat

11-17-23 Short Soybeans

11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans

11-9-23 Soybeans

11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton

10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans

10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds

10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes

9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle

9-26-23 Short Cattle

9-22-23 Short Soybeans

9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex

9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn

8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn

8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans

8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds

8-07-23 Short Soybeans

8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat

7-19-23 Buy Soybeans

7-13-23 Buy Soybeans

7-11-23 Buy Cotton

7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn

6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat

5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market

5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton

5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn

5-2-23 Soybeans

4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn

4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn

3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn

3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans

2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans

2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans

1-22-23 Outlook for 2023

12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market

12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans

11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil

11-22-22 Corn

11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans

11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil

10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat

9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks

8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle

7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans

7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle

6-30-22 Commodities are tanking

6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans

6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil

6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber

5-25-22 Soybean Oil

5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil

5-11-22 Soybeans

5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat

5-2-22 Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Corn

4-21-22 Corn, Soybeans

4-14-22 Soybeans, Soybean OiL

3-31-22 Soybean OiL

3-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans

3-24-22 Corn, Soybean Oil

3-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans, Cotton

3-3-22 Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Corn

2-24-22 Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Corn, Cotton

2-15-22 Eurodollars, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cotton

2-10-22 Eurodollars, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Corn

2-2-22 Short Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans, Wheat, Cotton

1-26-22 Short Eurodollars

1-25-22 Sell Corn and Wheat

1-23-22 Sell Corn & Soybeans - 50 years of Corn declines

1-18-22 Beginning to Exit Short Eurodollars

1-10-22 Sell Soybeans - 50 years of tops

1-5-22 Buy Eurodollar Puts

12-21-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

12-19-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

12-15-21 Sell "Everything" Corn, Soy, Wheat, Sugar, Cotton, Crude Oil

12-13-21 Buy Soybean Oil Puts

12-9-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

12-6-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

11-30-21 Short Soybeans,Soybean Oil, Cotton, Corn, Wheat

11-29-21 Sell "Everything" Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Sugar

11-24-21 Buy Soybean Oil Puts

11-22-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

11-19-21 Sell "Everything" Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Sugar, Crude, Eurodollars

11-15-21 Short Soybean Oil

11-10-21 Inflation surging - Buy Eurodollar Puts

11-8-21 Short Soybean Oil & Soybeans

11-8-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts, 30 Year Histories

11-1-21 Buy Soybean Oil Puts

10-28-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

10-25-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

10-21-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

10-14-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

10-12-21 Short Soybeans, Updating Oct 7th

10-7-21 Short Soybeans

10-3-21 Out of Cotton, Short Soybean Complex

9-23-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

9-20-21 Short Soybean Oil

9-16-21 Short Soybean Oil

9-9-21 Short Soybeans,Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat

8-31-21 Short Soybeans, Corn, Wheat

8-29-21 Short Soybeans

8-24-21 Buy Cotton

8-21-21 Short Corn, Soybeans, and Soybean Oil

7-29-21 Soybean Oil

7-23-21 Grains Have Topped, Short Soybean Oil, Buy Feeders

7-13-21 Buy Cotton, Short Corn, Soybeans & Wheat

7-6-21 Soybean Oil, Hogs, Corn, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle

6-27-21 Soybeans, Corn, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle, Cotton

6-23-21 Cattle vs Hog Spread, Hogs, Cotton

6-22-21 Feeder Cattle Flying

6-17-21 Soybean & Corn Collapse, Cattle, Hogs

6-11-21 Short Corn - Historical Charts back to 1971

6-9-21 Short Soybeans

6-2-21 Cattle Hog Spread

6-1-21 Bullish Cotton

5-25-21 Feeder Cattle have bottomed

5-18-21 Corn and Soybeans have topped

5-14-21 Inflation and Eurodollar Puts

5-11-21 Buy Feeder Cattle

5-3-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

4-27-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

4-20-21 Short Soybeans, Buy Feeder Cattle

4-12-21 Short Soybeans

4-7-21 Buy Feeder Cattle Calls

4-6-21 Buy Soybean Puts

3-30-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

3-29-21 Buy Feeder Cattle

3-22-21 Buy Eurodollar Puts

3-9-21 Short Soybeans, Long Feeder Cattle

2-25-21 Short Gold

2-24-21 Feeder Cattle

2-14-21 Lean Hogs, Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle

2-9-21 Cotton, Soybeans, Corn, Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle, Hogs

2-4-21 Cotton

2-3-21 Corn, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle, Lean Hogs, Dollar, Eurocurrency

1-23-21 Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle, Lean Hogs

1-20-21 Dollar, Eurocurrency, Cattle, Hogs,Cotton

12-20-20 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton, Cattle, Sugar, Dollar, Eurocurrency

11-16-20 Stocks,Cotton, Feeder Cattle, Sugar

11-9-20 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat, Cattle, Cotton, Sugar

10-20-20 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton, Sugar, Hogs, Cattle

9-27-20 Soybeans, Wheat,Corn, Cotton, Sugar, Hogs, Cattle

9-13-20 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Hogs, Cattle

9-3-20 Soybeans Heating Up

8-30-20 Corn, Cotton, Wheat, Soybeans

8-27-20 Corn, Cotton, Wheat, Soybeans

8-25-20 Corn, Cotton, Wheat, Soybeans, Cattle, Hogs

8-12-20 Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle, Soybean Oil

7-30-20 Feeder Cattle, Cotton

7-28-20 Feeder Cattle, Soybeans, Cotton

7-19-20 1970's Revisited? Still "Buying Everything"

7-1-20 Buy Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat

6-29-20 Buy Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat

6-25-20 Buy Soybeans, Cotton, Feeder Cattle

5-18-20 Cattle, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Soybean Complex

4-29-20 Dow, Crude, Soy, Corn, Cotton, Meats


3-23-20 Dow, Soy, Wheat, Meats, Sugar, Cotton, Crude

3-18-20 Buy "Everything"

3-4-20 Stocks,Bonds,Gold,Eurodollars,Soymeal,Cotton,Cattle

2-27-20 Soybean Meal

2-24-20 Soybean Meal

2-13-20 How Soybean Meal Moves

2-6-20 Soybean Meal Revisited

2-4-20 Coronavirus, Stocks, Gold

1-30-20 Stocks, Crude, Copper, Soybean Meal, Cotton

1-27-20 Soybean Meal Histories

1-23-20 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat

1-10-20 Stocks, the Economy & Interest Rates

11-11-19 Eurodollars, Treasury Bonds

10-9-19 Stocks, Interest Rates, Corn, Cotton, Wheat, Soybeans

8-26-19 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton

8-5-19 Soybeans & Soybean Meal

7-24-19 Eurodollars & Treasury Bonds

7-22-19 Eurodollars

7-17-19 Global Slowdown is Nonsense, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

7-10-19 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Meal

6-21-19 Stocks, Soybeans, Soybean Meal

6-13-19 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Meal

5-22-19 Corn, Wheat, Soybean Complex

5-15-19 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Meal

4-24-19 Soybean Meal

4-16-19 Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

4-8-19 Crude Oil, Treasury Bonds

4-3-19 Stocks, Treasury Bonds

4-2-19 Stocks, Crude Oil, Treasury Bonds

4-1-19 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

3-30-19 Stocks, Treasury Bonds

3-21-19 Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans

3-20-19 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans

3-15-19 Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Corn

3-14-19 Stocks, Bonds, Eurodollars, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton

3-12-19 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton

3-4-19 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat

2-27-19 Soybeans

2-22-19 Soybeans

2-21-19 Treasury Bonds

2-20-19  Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

2-12-19 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

2-8-19 Stocks, The Economy, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

2-4-19 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat

1-30-19 Soybeans

1-13-19 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat

9-11-18 Gold, Silver, Treasury Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton

8-21-18 Gold, Silver, Corn, Cotton

7-26-18 Treasury Bonds, Bond vs Note spread, Gold, Silver

6-28-18  Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Gold, Silver, Sugar, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans

5-1-18 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars, Gold, Sugar, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat

3-21-18 Eurodollars, Treasury Bonds, Gold

2-6-18 Gold, Eurodollars, Treasury Bonds

2-1-18 Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

1-26-18 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

1-18-18 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars, Gold

11-30-17 Eurodollars

11-29-17 Silver

11-20-17 Interest Rates, Prime, Mortgage, Long and Short Term, Eurodollars, Treasury Bonds, Gold, Silver

10-31-17 Treasury Bonds, Japanese Yen, Gold, Lumber, Heating Oil, Copper, Eurodollars

10-24-17 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

10-16-17 S&P 500, Copper, Lumber, Heating Oil, Eurodollars

10-12-17 Stocks, Eurodollars, Lumber, Copper, Crude Oil

10-2-17 Wall Street, The Fed, Eurodollars

10-2-17 Gold, Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Japanese Yen, Eurodollars

9-20-17 Eurodollars

9-13-17 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

9-1-17 Stocks, Lumber, Copper, Crude Oil, Eurodollars, Treasury Bonds

8-27-17 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

8-22-17 Stunning Collection - Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

8-15-17 Stocks, Eurodollars

8-13-17 Nightmare Disasters and Triumphs - Eurodollars

7-27-17 Stocks, Copper, Crude Oil, Lumber, Treasury Bonds

7-20-17 Stocks, Eurodollars

7-6-17 Soybeans, Soybean Meal

7-5-17 Corn, Wheat, Soybean Meal

6-26-17 Eurodollars

6-21-17 Eurodollars

6-19-17 Stocks, Eurodollars

6-15-17 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Meal

6-12-17 Eurodollars

6-7-17 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Meal

6-1-17 Stocks & Eurodollars

5-29-17 Stocks & Eurodollars

5-23-17 Eurodollars

5-18-17 Eurodollars

5-15-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

5-12-17 Stocks, Eurodollars, Corn, Wheat, Soybean Meal

4-25-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

3-29-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

3-24-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

3-21-17 Eurodollars

3-20-17 Eurodollars

3-9-17 Eurodollars (and Stocks)

2-23-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

2-21-17 Corn, Wheat & Soybean Meal

2-15-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

2-9-17 Eurodollars, Lumber, Copper, Cotton, Crude Oil

2-7-17 Soybean Meal and Wheat

2-4-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

1-24-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

1-19-17 Eurodollars

1-17-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

1-14-17 Eurodollars

1-11-17 Stocks & Eurodollars

1-7-17 Stocks and Eurodollars

12-14-16 Eurodollars

12-22-16 Stocks & Eurodollars

12-12-16 S&P 500, Eurodollars

12-7-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

12-6-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

12-1-16 Eurodollars

11-28-16 Copper, Lumber, Interest Rate History, Eurodollars

11-25-16 Eurodollars

11-22-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

11-21-16 Eurodollars, Stocks

11-16-16 Stocks, Treasury Bonds,  Eurodollars

11-14-16  Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

11-10-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

11-9-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

11-7-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

11-3-16 Eurodollars

10-30-16 Economy, Eurodollars

10-24-16 Stocks, Eurodollars, Treasury Bonds

10-19-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

10-17-16 Wheat

10-13-16 Wheat

10-10-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

10-6-16 Gold, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars, Stocks

10-5-16 Wheat

10-3-16 Eurodollars

9-28-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

9-27-16 Stocks, Eurodollars

9-25-15 Eurodollars

9-20-16 Eurodollars

9-19-16 Eurodollars

9-17-16 Eurodollars

9-12-16 Eurodollars

9-10-16 Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars, Dow Jones

8-23-16 Gold, Silver

8-17-16 Hedging against higher Interest Rates using Eurodollars

8-15-16 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars, Wheat

8-2-16 Eurodollars

7-28-16 Eurodollars

7-26-16 Eurodollars

7-19-16 Eurodollars

7-16-16 Eurodollars

7-9-16 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Wheat

6-20-16 Treasury Bonds, Stocks, Crude Oil, Eurodollars

6-6-16 Stocks, Treasury Bonds

6-2-16 Wheat

5-26-16 Wheat

5-24-16 Crude Oil, Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

5-16-16 Stocks, Treasury Bonds,
Wheat, Eurodollars

5-3-16 Soybean Meal, Wheat

5-2-16 Soybean Meal, Wheat

4-21-16 Treasury Bonds, Wheat

4-12-16 Stocks, Treasury Bonds

4-5-16 Natural Gas

4-1-16 Wheat

3-22-16 Treasury Bonds, Eurodollars

3-17-16 Eurodollars, Stocks & the Economy

3-10-16 Wheat, Soybean Meal

3-1-16 Treasury Bonds

2-24-16 Treasury Bonds

2-18-16 Soybean Meal, Wheat

2-8-16 Short Treasury Bonds

1-25-16 Treasury Bonds vs Crude Oil

1-17-16 How Crude Oil Bottoms

1-3-16 thru 1-11-16 Outlook for 2016- Stocks, the Economy, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Soybeans, US Dollar, Eurocurrency & Crude Oil

11-19-15 Eurocurrency, Soybeans, Wheat, Corn, Cotton

11-12-15 Eurocurrency, Soybeans,
Wheat, Corn, Cotton

9-22-15 Eurocurrency, Feeder Cattle, Soybeans, Wheat

9-1-15 Stocks, Eurocurrency, Soybeans, Cattle Complex

7-8-15 Stocks, Eurocurrency, Soybeans, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Feeder Cattle

6-22-15 Sell Cattle

6-7-15 Corn, Cotton, Feeder Cattle, Dow Jones

6-4-15 Eurocurrency, Wheat, Soybeans

5-14-15 Dow, Euro, Cotton, Wheat, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle

5-12-15 Wheat

5-7-15 Buy the Stock Market

4-29-15 Eurocurrency, Cotton, Feeder Cattle, Soybeans, Wheat, Corn

4-28-15 Eurocurrency

4-20-15 Feeder Cattle

4-14-15 Eurocurrency, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle

4-7-15 Soybeans

3-29-15 Cotton

3-17-15 Dollar Index

3-11-15 Dollar Index

2-23-15 Feeder Cattle, Range Trade Shorts Anthology

2-22-15 Eurocurrency, Feeder Cattle

2-17-15 Eurocurrency, Cotton, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle

2-16-15 Dollar Index, Eurocurrency, Cotton, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle

2-5-15 Treasury Bonds, Cocoa, Cattle Complex, Soybeans, Cotton, U.S. Dollar, Eurocurrency

10-24-14 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Feeder Cattle

10-16-14 Treasury Bonds, The Stock Market

10-15-14 Treasury Bonds, Feeder Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans

9-24-14 Short Feeder Cattle

9-16-14 Cattle, Cocoa, Treasury Bonds, Soybeans

8-27-14 Buy Treasury Bonds

8-10-14 Sell Cattle

07-30-14 Sell Feeder Cattle

7-27-14 Sell Feeder Cattle

7-22-14 Buy Treasury Bonds

7-9-14 Sell Feeder Cattle

6-25-14 Special on Feeder Cattle

6-22-14 Cattle, Treasury Bonds, Cocoa, Soybeans (The Whole Package)

6-17-14 Short Cocoa

06-13-14 Treasury Bonds, Soybeans

5-23-14 Still Buying Treasury Bonds

4-28-14 Short Cocoa

4-23-14 Buy Treasury Bonds

3-28-14 Treasury Bonds, Cocoa, Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle, Stocks

2-27-14 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cocoa, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle

2-4-14 Feeder Cattle follow up, Cocoa

2-3-14 Dow Jones, Treasury Bonds, Feeder Cattle

1-28-14 Short Cocoa

1-23-14 Treasury Bonds, 32 Years of Bullish Moves

1-15-14 Treasury Bonds, Wheat, Soybeans, Stocks, Cocoa, Crude Oil

12-21-13 Buy Treasury Bonds

12-11-13 Sell Stocks Now, Buy Treasury Bonds

10-31-13 Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Corn vs Wheat Spread

10-12-13 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Sugar, Treasury Bonds

9-26-13 Sugar, Soybeans

9-18-13 Treasury Bonds

9-17-13 Soybean, Corn, Wheat

9-13-13 Treasury Bonds, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans

9-11-13 Corn, Soybeans, Wheat

8-28-13 Soybeans

8-26-13 Soybeans, Corn

8-22-13 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans

8-20-13 Treasury Bonds

8-01-13 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Wheat

7-30-13 Wheat (compared to Gold)

7-26-13 Soybeans, Wheat

7-19-13 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, 10 Year Notes, Soybeans, Corn

7-15-13 Dec Corn, Nov Soybeans

7-12-13 Soybeans, Wheat

6-27-13 Treasury Bonds, Stocks

6-25-13 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Gold, Silver, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle

5-16-13 Soybeans, Corn, Live Cattle, Gold, Silver, Dow Jones

5-9-13 Stocks, Gold, Silver, Soybeans, Corn, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle

4-3-13 Stocks, Corn, Soybeans, Cattle, Gold, Silver, Cotton

3-14-13 Stocks, Lumber, Wheat, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle

2-23-13 Soybeans

2-16-13 Stocks, Cotton, Lumber, Gold, Silver, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle

2-4-13 Live Cattle

1-30-13 The Stock Market

1-24-13 Gold, Silver, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Cotton, Lumber, Stocks, Eurocurrency

12-28-12 Soybean Complex

12-20-12 Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Gold, Cotton, Lumber

12-13-12 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Gold, Cotton, Lumber

11-30-12 Lumber...Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans (very briefly)

11-23-12 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Wheat, Cotton

11-15-12 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Wheat

11-12-12 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Wheat

10-29-12 Corn, Soybean Meal, Wheat

10-22-12 Cotton, Corn, Soybean Meal

10-17-12 Stocks, Eurocurrency

10-15-12 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Cotton

10-2-12 Cotton, Stocks

9-17-12 Stocks, Eurocurrency, Corn, Soybeans (4 brief letters)

8-29-12 Stocks, Eurocurrency, Soybeans, Corn

8-3-12 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurocurrency, Corn, Soybeans

7-13-12 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Eurocurrency, Corn, Soybeans

7-3-12 Economic Charts, Dow, Treasury Bonds, Eurocurrency

7-1-12 Dow, Eurocurrency, Treasury Bonds

6-29-12 Corn, Soybeans, Eurocurrency, Treasury Bonds, Dow Jones

6-15-12 Buy Eurocurrency

6-6-12 Eurocurrency

5-31-12 Stocks, Treasury Bonds

5-24-12 Treasury Bonds, Corn

5-22-12 Stocks, Treasury Bonds,

5-11-12 Bear Markets in Corn since 1960

5-9-12 Treasury Bonds, Corn

4-27-12 Eurodollars, Short Term Interest Rates

4-25-12 Sell Corn

4-24-12 Corn, Anatomy of a Dead Bull Market

4-23-12 Unleaded Gas, Treasury Bonds

4-18-12 Short Corn, Historical Study of Sideways Shorts

4-17-12 Short Corn

4-17-12 Economic Charts, Dow Jones

4-12-12 Wheat vs Corn, Short Corn, Stocks, Treasury Bonds

4-4-12 Unleaded Gas, Treasury Bonds, Wheat vs Corn, Cattle, Gold

3-23-12 Wheat vs Corn

3-22-12 Unleaded Gas

3-14-12 Gold, Treasury Bonds, Unleaded Gas

3-13-12 Stocks and Treasury Bonds

3-8-12 Stocks and Treasury Bonds

3-5-12 Treasury Bonds

3-1-12 Treasury Bonds

2-24-12 Live Cattle, Treasury Bonds, Eurocurrency

1-29-12 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybean Complex, Cattle

12-23-11 Stocks, Treasury Bonds

11-12-11 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle

10-21-11 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle

10-7-11 If you are a farmer, do not wait for a corn or soybean rally...

9-23-11 If you are a farmer, hedge immediately...

9-20-11 Short Soybean Oil, Soybeans, & Corn

9-7-11 Stocks, Treasury Bonds,

8-11-11 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Gold

8-4-11 Treasury Bonds, Dollar Index, Sell Soybean Oil, Sell Corn

7-8-11 Midyear Outlook, Treasury Bonds, Corn, Soybean Complex, Wheat-Corn, Dollar Index, Stocks

5-6-11 Silver, Cotton, Corn, Soybean Oil, Treasury Bonds

3-28-11 Corn, Soybean Oil, Gold, Silver, Treasury Bonds, Cattle

3-11-11 Gold, Silver, Corn, Soybean Oil, Cattle

2-23-11 Crude Oil, Treasury Bonds, Corn, Soybean Oil, Cattle

2-8-11 Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Corn, Soybean Oil

1-28-11 50 years of Corn tops, Corn, Soybean Oil, Gold

1-16-11 Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Copper, Crude Oil, Gold, Silver

1-12-11 Anthology of Shorts + Gold, Silver, Corn, Soybean Oil, Wheat

12-22-10 Gold, Dollar Index, Treasury Bonds

11-17-10 Gold

11-12-10 Soybean Complex, Gold, Dollar, Treasury Bonds, Stocks

10-21-10 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Gold, Soybean Complex, Cattle, Lumber

9-13-10 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Gold, Soybean Complex, Lumber

8-24-10 Stocks & Treasury Bonds

8-17-10 Economic charts, Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Soybean Oil, Crude, Lumber, Gold

8-4-10 Soybean Oil

8-3-10 Soybean Oil (Going long)

7-27-10 Gold, Soybean Oil

7-20-10 Gold

7-19-10 Crude Oil, Gold

7-1-10 Gold, Treasury Bonds, Soybean Oil

6-29-10 Soybean Oil

6-28-10 Soybean Oil

6-23-10 Soybean Oil, Gold, Treasury Bonds

6-10-10 Mid-Year Perspective, Back to Normal, Gold, Soybean Complex, Treasury Bonds, Eurocurrency, S&P

5-19-10 Treasury Bonds, Dollar Index, Soybean Complex, Gold, Crude Oil, Lumber & Sugar

5-4-10 US Dollar, Treasury Bonds, Soybean Oil

4-26-10 Soybean Oil

4-17-10 Treasury Bonds, Soybean Complex, Gold, Silver, Dow Jones

4-5-10 Treasury Bonds, Soybeans, Soybean Oil

3-29-10 Treasury Bonds, Soybean Oil

3-14-10 Soybean Complex, some Historical Sideways Ranges

3-12-10 Historical Study, Sideways Ranges that traded sharply lower

3-4-10 Treasury Bonds, Soybeans,
Soybean Oil

2-22-10 Deflation, Treasury Bonds, Gold, Soybean Oil

2-16-10 Treasury Bonds, Soybean Oil, Gold, Silver, US Dollar

1-22-10 Crude, Gold, Silver, Dollar, Bonds, Soybean Complex

1-19-10 Soybean Oil

1-15-10 Early 2010 Outlook

12-18-09 Soybean complex, Silver

12-16-09 Dollar Index, Yen, Euro, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar, British Pound

12-10-09 A wartale, Gold, Silver &
Soybean Oil

12-2-09 Dollar Index, Gold, Cattle, Soybean Oil

11-25-09 Soybean Oil, Gold

11-23-09 Gold, Soybean Oil

11-14-09 Lunatic Monstrous Update

10-1-09 Soybean Oil

9-9-09 Soybean Oil

8-23-09 Gold & Soybean Oil

8-13-09 Soybean Oil

5-21-09 Stocks, Soybean Oil,
Live Cattle

5-8-09 Soybean Oil

4-28-09 Live Cattle

4-19-09 Stocks, Bonds, Soybean Complex, Cattle, Gold

3-29-09 Soybean Oil, Soybeans,
Corn, Live Cattle

2-18-09 Live Cattle

1-23-09 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Soybeans & Live Cattle

12-16-08 Treasury Bonds, Crude Oil, Soybeans & Live Cattle

12-9-08 Treasury Bonds

12-5-08 Crude Oil

12-4-08 Retraction: Stocks, Still short Cattle and Soybeans

12-3-08 Reversal in Stocks, Out of Short Cattle and Soybeans

11-19-08 Cattle and Soybeans

11-14-08 Cattle and Soybeans

11-11-08 Late Year Outlook

10-15-08 Dow, Treasury Bonds, Crude Oil, Cattle Complex

10-9-08 Stocks, Cattle, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Lumber

9-29-08 Cattle Complex

9-25-08 Stocks, Cattle Complex,
Treasury Bonds, Soybean Oil

9-17-08 Eurodollars, Soybean Oil,
Feeder Cattle

9-16-08 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Soybean Complex, Cattle Complex

9-3-08 Feeder Cattle, Soybean Oil

9-2-08 Treasury Bonds, Crude Oil & Dow Jones

9-1-08 Treasury Bonds, Soybean Complex, Cattle & Crude Oil

8-17-08 Dow, Treasury Bonds,
Soybean Oil, Corn, Cattle, Crude

8-7-08 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans, Cattle & Treasury Bonds

7-29-08 Crude Oil, Corn, Soybean Oil, Live Cattle & Treasury Bonds

7-21-08 Corn, Soybean Oil & Live Cattle

7-17-08 Wheat, Corn, Soybeans & Soybean Oil

7-14-08 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil & Live Cattle

7-7-08 Crude, Dow, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans & Live Cattle

6-30-08 Corn

6-22-08 Stocks & Treasury Bonds

5-30-08 Midyear Outlook

3-14-08 Cotton

3-4-08 Liquidated Long Cotton

2-21-08 Cotton

12-5-07 Dollar Index

05-30-07 Treasury Bonds (25 year histories of December Bonds)

3-27-07 Pre-USDA Cotton Acreage Report

3-19-07 Cotton Acreage Reductions

3-12-07 Cotton Reversal?

2-21-07 Cotton Supply & Demand

2-1-07 Corn

1-30-07 Cotton Math

1-25-07 Cotton

12-15-06 Tr. Bonds, Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold,
Copper & Dollar Index

10-26-06 Cotton

9-14-06 Energies

9-8-06 Tr. Bonds, Eurodollars, Crude Oil, Meats & Cotton

8-17-06 Crude Oil & Treasury Bonds

08-16-06 Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Cotton, Tr. Bonds, Eurodollars, Lean Hogs, Feeder Cattle & Crude

08-08-06 Treasury Bonds

08-07-06 Lean Hogs & Feeder Cattle

8-1-06 Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Soybean Oil, Treasury Bonds & Eurodollars

07-26-06 Eurodollars

07-22-06 Cotton

07-20-06 Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Cotton, Tr. Bonds & Dow Jones

07-12-06 Cotton, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat & Tr. Bonds

07-10-06 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat & Cotton

07-03-06 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil & Wheat

06-14-06 Cotton

06-12-06 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil & Cotton

06-07-06 Corn, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Cotton & Treasury Bonds

06-01-06 Cotton

05-31-06 Cotton

5-30-06 Corn, Wheat, Soybean Oil & Cotton

5-15-06 Corn

05-09-06 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans & Cotton

04-26-06 Various markets

03-17-06 Cotton, Copper & Treasury Bonds

02-22-06 Cotton & 1988 Corn

02-03-06 Cotton, Treasury Bonds & Copper

01-24-06 Cotton

01-19-06 Cotton, Copper & Treasury Bonds

01-05-06 Copper

01-3-06 Cotton

12-12-05 Gold, Cotton, Copper & Treasury Bonds

12-6-05 Treasury Bond Excerpts from recent newsletters

12-1-05 Copper

11-18-05 Cotton

11-8-05 Treasury Bonds & Cotton

11-2-05 Copper, Sugar & Gold

11-1-05 Cotton

10-21-05 Sugar, Treasury Bonds, Gold, Copper & Cotton

10-19-05 Cotton

10-18-05 Gold

10-14-05 Treasury Bonds, Gold, Copper & Cotton

10-07-05 Cotton, Treasury Bonds, Copper, Gold & Stock Indices

10-04-05 Soybean Oil

09-28-05 Soybean Oil

09-19-05 Gold

09-13-05 Gold

09-12-05 Feeder Cattle

09-08-05 Crude Oil & Copper

09-06-05 Stock Indices, Feeder Cattle & Cotton

09-01-05 Treasury Bonds

08-31-05 Crude Oil, Stock Indices & Feeder Cattle

08-30-05 Crude Oil

08-24-05 Corn, Soybeans, Dollar Index, Copper & Treasury Bonds

06-14-05 Copper, Corn, Soybeans, Dollar Index & Treasury Bonds

06-03-05 Treasury Bonds, Dollar Index, Cotton, Copper, Unleaded Gas, Soybeans & Corn

05-05-05 Treasury Bonds

04-26-05 Copper, Unleaded Gas, Cotton, Treasury Bonds, Dollar Index, NASDAQ

04-12-05 Copper

04-11-05 Mob Psychology--Bonds,
Cotton, Dollar Index, Unleaded Gas & Stock Indices

04-03-05 Bonds, Cotton, Dollar Index & Unleaded Gas

03-15-05 U.S. Dollar Index

03-14-05 Cotton, Bonds & U.S. Dollar Index

02-25-05 Cotton & Treasury Bonds

02-18-05 Cotton & Treasury Bonds

2-10-05 The Psychology of Cotton

02-7-05 Cotton (bull move histories since 1990)

02-3-05 Cotton

01-31-05 Cotton

01-27-05 Treasury Bonds (20 year bull move histories)

01-18-05 Treasury Bonds

01-13-05 Treasury Bonds

01-5-05 Treasury Bonds




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