Croker-Rhyne Co., Inc.
Newsletter Archives
9-17-24 Corn, Soybeans, Canadian, Bonds, Cattle, Gold 9-7-24 Short Cattle, Short Gold 9-5-24 Short Cattle 8-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-23-24 Corn, Cattle, Canadian Dollar 8-22-24 Long Canadian Dollar 8-20-24 Cattle Crashing 8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-7-24 Short Cattle, Short Gold 9-5-24 Short Cattle 8-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-23-24 Corn, Cattle, Canadian Dollar 8-22-24 Long Canadian Dollar 8-20-24 Cattle Crashing 8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-5-24 Short Cattle 8-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-23-24 Corn, Cattle, Canadian Dollar 8-22-24 Long Canadian Dollar 8-20-24 Cattle Crashing 8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-23-24 Corn, Cattle, Canadian Dollar 8-22-24 Long Canadian Dollar 8-20-24 Cattle Crashing 8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-23-24 Corn, Cattle, Canadian Dollar 8-22-24 Long Canadian Dollar 8-20-24 Cattle Crashing 8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-22-24 Long Canadian Dollar 8-20-24 Cattle Crashing 8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-20-24 Cattle Crashing 8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-17-24 Canadian Dollar, Cattle, Corn, Soybeans 8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-15-24 Roaring Bearish Cattle 8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-13-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-7-24 Corn & Soybeans 8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-6-24 Short Corn & Soybeans 8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-5-24 Exited Short Corn & Soybeans--Cattle, Bonds, Stocks 8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-4-24 Short Cattle 8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-1-24 Short Cattle 7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-31-24 Short Corn 7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-30-24 Short Cattle 7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-28-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-17-24 Short Cattle 7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-15-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-13-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-10-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-9-24 Short Feeder Cattle 7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-8-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-3-24 Short Cattle 6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-28-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-26-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-20-24 Short Corn and Soybeans 6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-18-24 Sell Stocks, Buy Treasury Bonds 6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-11-24 Short Soybeans 6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-5-24 Major Cattle Top 5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-31-24 SHORT Corn and Soybeans 5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-29-24 SHORT Soybeans and Corn 5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-22-24 SHORT SOYBEANS 5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-17-24 SHORT CORN 5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-1-24 Cocoa, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Cattle 4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-22-24 Buy Cotton Short Cocoa 4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-18-24 Short Soybeans and Corn 4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-9-24 Short Bitcoin 4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-5-24 Short Feeder Cattle 4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-2-24 Short Corn 4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-1-24 Short Cattle 3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-27-24 Short Corn, Short Soybeans 3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-25-24 Long Cotton, Short Cattle 3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-15-24 Short Feeder Cattle 3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-14-24 Buy Cotton, Plant Cotton 3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-11-24 Short Cattle 3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-6-24 Sell the Stock Market 3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-5-24 Focus on Short Corn 3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-1-24 Long Cotton Again 2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-28-24 Out of Cotton, Short Cattle 2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-22-24 Soybeans, Corn 2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-20-24 Treasury Bonds 2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-16-24 Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Cotton 2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-5-24 Live Cattle 2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-2-24 Corn, Soybeans 2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-1-24 Interest Rates, Cotton, Soybeans 1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
1-27-24 Soybeans 1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
1-25-24 Soybeans 1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
1-24-24 Cotton 1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
1-23-24 Interest Rates, Stocks, Cotton, Cocoa 1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
1-16-24 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat 1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
1-9-24 Cattle, Cocoa, Soybeans 12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
12-29-23 Soybeans 12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
12-27-23 Two Year Notes 12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
12-21-23 Soybeans 12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
12-15-23 Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybeans, Wheat, Cattle 12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
12-1-23 Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Yen, Cocoa, Wheat, Soybeans 11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-28-23 Buy Wheat 11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-17-23 Short Soybeans 11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-14-23 Cocoa, Japanese Yen, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-9-23 Soybeans 11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-7-23 Japanese Yen, Cocoa, Soybeans, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton 10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
10-23-23 Stocks, Treasury Bonds, Cotton, Soybeans 10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
10-5-23 Buy Cotton, and Treasury Bonds 10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
10-4-23 Buy Treasury Bonds and Notes 9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-28-23 Exiting Short Cattle 9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-26-23 Short Cattle 9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-22-23 Short Soybeans 9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-18-23 Short Cattle Complex 9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-7-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-29-23 Short Soybeans and Corn 8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-15-23 Short Corn and Soybeans 8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-08-23 Buy Treasury Bonds 8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-07-23 Short Soybeans 8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-02-23 Short Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-19-23 Buy Soybeans 7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-13-23 Buy Soybeans 7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-11-23 Buy Cotton 7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-10-23 Long Soybeans, Short Corn 6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-21-23 Reversing:Buy Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-31-23 Buy the Stock Market 5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-30-23 Stocks and Cotton 5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-24-23 Soybeans and Corn 5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-2-23 Soybeans 4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-27-23 Soybeans, Corn 4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
4-25-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-22-23 Soybeans, Corn 3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
3-16-23 Stocks, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-28-23 Corn and Soybeans 2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
2-24-23 Corn and Soybeans 1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
1-22-23 Outlook for 2023 12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
12-12-22 Buy the Stock Market 12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
12-4-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-29-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-22-22 Corn 11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-17-22 Corn, Soybean Oil, Soybeans 11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
11-9-22 Corn, Soybean Oil 10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
10-18-22 Stocks, Bonds, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat 9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
9-13-22 Inflation has peaked - Corn, Soybeans, Treasury Bonds, Stocks 8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
8-16-22 Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Feeder Cattle 7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-19-22 Corn, Soybeans 7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
7-16-22 Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Cattle 6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-30-22 Commodities are tanking 6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-27-22 Soybean Oi, Cotton, Corn, Soybeans 6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-22-22 Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Wheat, Crude Oil 6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
6-15-22 Soybean Oil, Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Crude Oil, Lumber 5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-25-22 Soybean Oil 5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-18-22 Soybeans. Soybean Oil, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Crude Oil 5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-11-22 Soybeans 5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat
5-7-22 Corn,Cotton,Soybeans, Wheat